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Wellness Business Consulting


As a successful wellness professional with over two decades of experience, I provide personalized business consulting for the following individuals and organizations.


1. You are a health and wellness professional seeking to build and grow your practice.


2. You are an individual exploring entering a career in health and wellness.  I will answer all of your questions regarding degrees, certifications, marketing, market strategies, and future market trends.


3. You are in senior level management and need guidance in design and implementation of corporate, nonprofit, and organizational wellness programming.  I have extensive experience working in multiple genres of the industry, with additional experience in accounting, practice management, and leveraging technology for success.


My mission is to help you create a sustainable, thriving model that meets your needs, that maximizes service to your organization, community, or clients.  Whether you are a prospect or a seasoned professional, I will help you clarify your vision and create a customized plan that is easy to implement.  Our sessions will provide you with useful personalized feedback, proven strategies, business resources, support, accountability, and structure. 



Individual Prospects, Practitioners and Organizations:  I meet clients for 1, 3, or 6 sessions spanning 1-6 months depending on the size and scope of your project.  The process starts with an 2-hour initial assessment of $225 with

follow on 1.5-hour sessions starting at $150.  During this time, we will assess your core issues, set goals, create lists and implement systems.

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